These two books are intended for people, if not you then perhaps your friends, parents, or loved ones, who might be new to the sport of Rowing or might be visiting Henley for the first time. The Rowing book will help anyone who might like some assistance understanding rowing jargon. Who might, without realising the mistake, refer to a crew as a team, a pair as a double, an oar as a paddle, or to someone rowing who is sculling. The Henley book will help anyone who might be baffled about what they see and hear at Henley Royal Regatta. Who might welcome an explanation about the 'Hole in the Wall' the 'Barrier' and the 'Pink Palace' and why the stations are called Berks and Bucks when Henley is in Oxfordshire, and why FE Weatherly who wrote 'Danny Boy' and the 'Roses of Picardy' is so famous in the world of rowing. The book also provides information about places and other events on the Henley Reach. |
Both books can be purchased from good booksellers or direct from the publishers JLB PUBLISHING SERVICES PO BOX 3336 WOKINGHAM BERKSHIRE RG40 3FY UNITED KINGDOM Cheques for orders within the United Kingdom should include an additional 50p to cover postage and packing. ORDERS FROM OVERSEAS ARE WELCOMED. Contact the publisher at JLBPublishing@Hotmail.Com for details of prices, postage, etc for orders outside the United Kingdom.
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Michael Jones was born in Henley on Thames so it was only natural that rowing became his sport. Now, after a lifetime in rowing and fifty years of personal involvement with the Royal Regatta, he has decided to put his knowledge into print. The wealth of information in these pocket books provides an essential guide for anyone wanting to know more about Britain's major Olympic Gold Medal winning sport and the world's most famous Regatta. |